30 Day Knitting Challenge – Day 11

Do you have a “Knitter Hero” or someone that is just way too awesome for their own good? Do share!

This one had me sitting here scratching my head for a very long time. Not because I don’t know someone who is my knitter hero or that is just way too awesome for their own good. I have plenty of those. Every question in this challenge has been super easy so far for me, although may have taken a very long time to write due to the research, finding pictures, etc. And then it hit me.

My Grandma, although a crocheter and not a knitter, is the one that introduced me to hooks and strings. She helped inspire a lifelong hobby that has helped through the ups and downs in my life and has also allowed me to help others.

I remember her sitting there patiently (she was left handed and I was right), showing me how to make a slip knot and then the foundation chain. She told me that until I could make all my stitches the same (cause what little girl is going to understand the meaning of tension), she wouldn’t teach me anymore. She said the foundation chain was the most important because it set the tone for your whole project. I took that skein of yarn and hook home and crocheted a foundation chain out of the whole thing. This met with her approval. BTW, I later sewed them together to make a magnificent rug for my Barbies!

Grandma always made a blanket for each child / grandchild when they got married and for each of their children. When I got married, she asked for my house colors and at that time it was the peaches / browns that were very popular. I still have the blanket, although it is put away for safekeeping. I have pictures of it somewhere and have spent hours today searching and cannot find them. Remember, this was back in the day before everything was online.

I carried on the tradition of making blankets for each of my nieces and nephews when they were born. I have pictures of those too…again nowhere to be found for now. However, I do still have the patterns and remember what I made for each of them. The obsession with crochet continued until I began my love affair with knitting, although I do still take out my hooks to make baby blankets for family and friends.

My Grandma is no longer with us and I still miss her everyday. I did tell her thank you for teaching me how to crochet, which eventually led to knitting, and she will always be my hero.

My Grandma and Me…one of the last pics taken of us.

The 30 Day Knitting Challenge is the creation of Meggiewes who blogs at Knitting in Wonderland.

Until next time, Happy Knitting!

11 Comments Add yours

  1. Knit Potion says:

    What a wonderful post! Your grandmother sounds like a great lady. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! Yes, she was!


  2. Such a special post — I love the photo of you and your grandmother!!


  3. madgeface says:

    What a sweet story! I’ve been tucking away grandma stories to emulate when I get to that stage in life and this confirms once again that I want to be the kind of grandma that passes on fiber arts. Thank you for this post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I would have wanted to be too…instead I will settle for Aunt or Great Auntie 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. madgeface says:

        Great Aunties are great! I lived for a time with my Great Aunt Freda and have lots of good memories of that time with her! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Maggienesium says:

    Your post gave me all the happy and somewhat teary feels. Your grandmother sounds awesome and makes me miss my abuelita terribly.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww…thanks so much 🙂 She was super awesome and I miss her every day.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Maggienesium says:

        I feel the same way about my abue and my wife’s grandmother. They were such a hit and a half and I don’t think I can cook, eat or laugh without thinking about how much I’d love to have them around.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Twillingart says:

    I agree with everyone else, your post in lovely! Thinking about how to eventually be a good grandma is a beautiful way to spent time too. Thanks for all the nice thoughts.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much 🙂

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