Comfort Food

You know that food that you grew up eating? My memories include things like fried chicken, fried potatoes with onions, mashed potatoes with real butter, green beans with bacon fat, navy beans with cornbread; probably every fatty, non-healthy low cost food my Mom could come up with. We didn’t really have too many fresh vegetables,…

Free Pattern on Ravelry until June 30th!

Are you on Ravelry? If so, there is a new pattern that will be free until June 30th, midnight PST. Just use the coupon code: i heart summer fling Summer Fling Scarf It’s a beautiful pattern and I can’t wait to cast on 🙂 I just need to finish my two WIP’s before I add more…

Surprise in the Mail Today

I have this very dear friend from Ft Lauderdale that just sent me a box with four skeins of yarn, a very old beginner knitters book, two tunisian crochet hooks, and a project that looks like it is about 3/4 of the way finished (with accompanying needles). Apparently, her Mother started it long ago and…

Time and Wishes

I wish I had all the time in the world for knitting, crocheting, reading, baking, etc. for everything that inspires me in this world. Maybe one day…Until then, here’s what I’m currently working on! Stepping Stones Kal Summer 2015 Sockhead Hat