Love You…Love You Too

I awoke on Sunday morning with 29 missed calls. 19 from my little sisters phone and 10 from numbers I didn’t recognize. I knew something bad had happened and didn’t want to face it. I got up at 5:50 am, fed my cat and dogs, made a pot of coffee and ate a banana. I settled…

Thursday Knit-A-Sock-Along: Week 9

It’s Thursday and you know what that means? We are back to our regularly scheduled blog post about socks. Yes, socks! What? You haven’t jumped on the band wagon for one of the coolest things in the world to knit? I went from being afraid of them (eek DPNs!) to loving the construction and learning…

FO – Three Hats for Miss Maria

I told you about my friend Gabby’s daughter, Maria, in another post earlier this week. She’s making excellent progress so far and Gabby appreciates all the prayers that have come her way for healing and strength. I’ve now completed three, yes count them, three adorable hats that I hope she will love! All three are made out…

FO – My First Sweater

So, I’ve finished both of my hats for Miss Maria; however I want to wait til tomorrow to post about them because I need light for the true colors to show through. I’m super excited to send them off to her and know that they are so soft they will not hurt her tender head….

WIP – Hat for Miss Maria

Last week I found out that my Mom’s former CNA (and a good friend for years) Gabby’s six year old daughter was in a horrible go-kart accident. She’s in the burn unit at one of the best children’s hospitals and has had multiple surgeries to repair the damage. She still has to go through many…

Thursday Knit-A-Sock-Along: Week 8

It’s been a week already? Holy cow, these Thursdays are coming fast! If you’ve seen my blog this week, you’ll know that I was busy crocheting a super awesome Christmas present this past weekend…and now I’ve got Christmas knitting on the brain 🙂 There are so many people that I want to knit something for the…

FO – Bulky & Quick Large Mouth Bass Blanket

A few weeks ago, one of my very dear friends from high school, tagged me in a photo on Facebook. The Designer, MJ’s Off the Hook Designs, is on Ravelry and also has her own Facebook page. I took one look and knew that the Bulky & Quick Large Mouth Bass Blanket would be a…

Thursday Knit-a-Sock-Along: Week 7

So, I bet you’ve been waiting with bated breath for me to reveal the next sock pattern I’m knitting…haven’t you? In my last Sock post, I had three different patterns in mind and it was a hard decision to make. It all came down to the yarn I had in my stash and which one was…