Liebster Award

I’ve been nominated for the Liebster Award by two bloggers; however for the life of me, I can’t find one of them. If you are reading this, please let me know and I will link to your post! I do remember that she changed up the post to include the Myers/Briggs test. Thanks go out…

Thursday Knit-a-Sock-Along: Week 2

Wow! What a busy, fast week it has been! My husband’s birthday was last Saturday and we celebrated with gifts and a very nice Italian dinner out. On Sunday, we went to see a play titled “My Mother’s Italian, My Father’s Jewish & I’m in Therapy” with our good friends, one of whom also celebrated…

WIP – OPEN TEST Charity’s Wrap

I’m currently working on another test pattern for Linda Browning (aka tinyknit) from Ravelry. It is the second, in a series of to be written patterns, designed around Harry Potter staff members. You might remember the first pattern I tested from this series, Septima’s Asymmetrical Shawlette. This one is inspired by Charity Burbage (due to the speed…

Thursday Knit-a-Sock-Along: Week 1

After posting that I was starting my first pair of socks, I received comments by the two blogs that had inspired me to start and invited to participate with them while knitting their first pair of socks. I am about 5 weeks behind them; however I’m excited to be joining 🙂 Here’s Maggie’s first post Sock It…

FO (Antep Shawlette) and WIP (My First Socks!)

My, it’s been awhile since I posted! My last post (Dear Mom- RIP) was hard to get through. This past week has also been difficult, as I went through the memories of planning my Mom’s funeral and actually getting through that day. To fill some of my non-working time, I finished the Secret Test – Antep Shawlette….

Dear Mom – RIP

Dear Mom, I can’t believe it has been one year since you passed away. I’ve been through all the stages of grief and find myself going back and forth between some of them. It’s gotten a little easier; however, I miss you like crazy. I still cry, but I also laugh when I think about…

Savannah-Chanelle Vineyards

We are very blessed to live in the beautiful state of California, with access to fantastic wineries! We had our first chance to visit the beautiful vineyards of Savannah-Chanelle, last night for a celebration of our friend Theresa’s Big 50th Birthday Party. There was plenty of food, laughs, music and friends coming together, with the addition…

Weeknight Dinner – Easy Chicken Fajitas

I always need quick and easy recipes for weeknights; don’t we all? While browsing at my local Safeway, I saw some pre-sliced peppers and onions. I remembered a very Easy Chicken Fajitas recipe I found a few months ago and a quick check on my iPhone had me zipping through the store. I added an avocado, salsa, sour…

FO – Rikke Hat

I am currently working on a secret test, so I’m not allowed to post any photos until the pattern is published in a book. I also need projects that I can take anywhere and work on when chatting with friends or my hubby. Thus, the reason for so many hats lately. Plus, every time I…